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Lions Gate Virtual Views

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Lions Gate Virtual Views, Sept. 4, 2023



Welcome to Lions Gate Virtual Views. We are glad that you can escape with us on these weekly virtual journeys!


Please email the Seniors' Hub with any feedback or suggestions for future program content. Enjoy!


Let’s get started with this great exercise routine to the music from the 1980s.















Now how about we recognize today’s national holiday, Labour Day, with this video of the holidays’ history. Think about how you spent Labour Day weekend as a young person. Were you camping, getting ready for a new school year or something else altogether? Did you look forward to starting a new school year or were you wishing that summer could go on for longer?















If you are a gardener (even a small apartment garden) you may like this video of things that would be great to plant right now to be able to harvest (and of course eat) before any winter frost. My parents have an amazing garden, but their climate does not allow them not to plant much in the late summer or early fall, but we definitely can here.















If you are looking at doing some travelling this fall, or would just like to look at some great destinations, here are some budget options:















While I think today is the last day of the 2023 PNE in Vancouver, this might be a blast from the past with the amazing Superdogs show. I took my children to it for many, many years and they always had a great time. Have you seen it? Did you take your grandchildren to it?















I don’t know if you ever watch America’s Got Talent, but this is a great way to end our day today:















I hope you had a great day.


Please send us your feedback. It will help us build a better program for YOU.


Stay safe and I hope you check back in next week - Monday, Sept. 11.


Back to Capilano Community Services Society Lions Gate Virtual Views page.



Capilano Community Services Society

Lions Gate Community Recreation Centre

1733 Lions Gate Lane 

North Vancouver, BC  V7P 0C7 



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