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Nick Avery

Executive Director

Cell: 604-902-3088

Office: 604-988-7115 ext. 2001

Nick believes creating community for everyone is essential – feeling deeply rooted in the places we live, work and play, provides a sense of connection and belonging.  He is passionate about reducing barriers for vulnerable, underprivileged, and marginalized individuals to create opportunities and equality for all. He is skilled at leading and empowering people to create fun, inclusive environments that help people thrive and reach their full potential.


Having previously worked as the Youth Program Coordinator at CCSS, a Recreation Programmer with the Vancouver School Board, and various jobs in the hospitality industry, he brings a wealth of experience to the Executive Director role.  Nick loves the North Shore communities and is passionate in helping shape the future of North Vancouver.


In his free time, if you are looking for Nick, you can find him either on the basketball court or cheering on the Raptors and Blue Jays. If you still can’t find him, he is up the mountain skiing.

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Miki Nash

Manager of Administrative Services

604-988-7115 ext. 2002

Miki provides seamless service for the many administrative functions that keep us organized and on-track, as well as supporting five other non-profit organizations that share space at our facility. Miki also manages a wonderful volunteer team, who together run the Red Cross Health Equipment Loan Program (HELP).


Miki has been employed with CCSS since 1993 (our longest-serving staff member!) and she has seen the agency grow and change through that time. She is happy to be working at the new Lions Gate Community Recreation Centre and getting to know the neighbourhood. The larger space at the new centre will provide greater opportunities to deliver exciting programs and also offer increased community information and resources.

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Maralyn Wild

Manager, Community Engagement and Development

604-988-7115 ext. 2003

Maralyn has a background in working with government, non-profit, private sector organizations and Indigenous communities. Her skills include program management, vocational counselling, classroom facilitation, development of public education and outreach programs, events coordination, delivering immigrant settlement programs, website and social media content development, corporate communications and stakeholder negotiations.


Maralyn enjoys being part of the dynamic CCSS team. She has a passion for creating and delivering engaging community programming and events that bring people together to connect, collaborate, and support one another. She also enjoys developing partnerships with other community organizations to offer innovative programs - with support from corporate donors and funders – who all come together to build a vibrant North Shore community.


In her spare time, Maralyn enjoys cooking, kayaking, hiking, travelling and photography.



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Austin Neaves

Seniors Program Coordinator

604-988-7115 ext. 2009

Austin has over a decade of experience in the nonprofit sector, working with seniors, helping to build capacity, and ensuring programs are both sustainable and inclusive.


Austin believes in meeting people where they are at, ensuring everyone has a seat at the table, and that a sense of community and belonging is vital to our health and happiness.


In his spare time, he enjoys cooking, watching film, taking long walks, and spending time with family and friends.​


Fariba Tehrani

Seniors' Hub Program Assistant

604-988-7115 ext. 2008

Fariba became a registered nurse in Austria, and has lived on the North Shore for 25 years. 


She was working with geriatric patients in the private sector but was unable to continue following a car accident. Fariba became a volunteer for Capilano Community Services in 2007 and was soon recognized for her value to the organization, becoming an employee in 2008.


Fariba is passionate about working with seniors and loves to make their time in our programs joyful. 


Chantal Pankratz

My Lions Gate Break Program Coordinator

604-988-7115 ext. 2008

Chantal was born and raised in Saskatchewan before moving to Vancouver for an Acting and Writing program. After graduation, she relocated to North Vancouver and managed an Airbnb, as well as started a cleaning company that catered primarily to seniors. 


As the My Lions Gate Break (MLGB) Program Coordinator, Chantal is able to merge her skills in business administration with her love for seniors and the arts. Through engaging activities that take a holistic approach to well-being, she is excited to grow the program into an increasingly valuable resource for caregivers and individuals navigating the changes associated with dementia. 


In her downtime, you'll find Chantal at the library with a good book or working on a screenplay, staying active at the nearest rec-centre, out on the ocean, or relaxing with friends and family.

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Omid Sheikhhasani

Seniors' Hub Program Assistant


Omid has a background in medicine and is involved in ongoing research at the University of British Columbia. In addition to his professional roles with CCSS and UBC, Omid is a volunteer with our Canadian Red Cross Health Equipment Loan Program, further reflecting his dedication to serving the community.


Omid is committed to enriching the lives of seniors in our programs by enhancing their safety and wellbeing, ensuring they are able to remain active and connected to community.

When not at work, Omid enjoys outdoor activities like hiking, swimming, playing squash and basketball. He loves to read books and is a passionate traveller.

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Marjorie Somerton

Volunteer Coordinator

604-988-7115 ext. 2004

Marjorie brings an extensive background in Seniors Programming, Heritage Interpretation and Communications.


She is excited to be part of the team and looks forward to connecting people in the community to rewarding new volunteer opportunities at Capilano Community Services. She believes that volunteers play a vital role and are worth their weight in gold.


Marjorie began her career in radio and is a natural storyteller.  She has worked in a bunkhouse in the woods, a replica train station, and is now overlooking the gym in the new Lions Gate Community Recreation Centre.


Marjorie loves hot springs, walking forest trails and being close to the mountains and water. She enjoys train travel; character houses and winter is her favorite season.


Yasmin Soliman

Family and Children's Program Coordinator

604-988-7115 ext. 2007

Yasmin is passionate about working with children and families.


Her education includes a bachelor’s degree in International Business and Marketing, and a certificate in Early Childhood Education. After moving to Canada, Yasmin worked as an educator and director of childcare at a private childcare center. She brings a wealth of knowledge, experience, and ideas to her role with Capilano Community Services, to create and deliver the best environment and experiences for families and children through their early years.


Outside of work, Yasmin loves spending time with her family and friends. She enjoys playing basketball, exercising, travelling, and photography. 


Family Worker

Office: 604-988-7115  ext. 2007


Xi Wu

Xi was born and raised in China, where she worked as a pediatrician's assistant for five years. She moved to the US and subsequently to Canada with her family in 2015 and fell in love with North Vancouver.

Xi’s entire career has centred around working with children. After moving to Canada, she obtained her Early Childhood Education Certificate (ECE) and worked at a variety of preschools, childcare centers, and summer camps. She has a passion for helping children and families build a strong foundation during the critical window of early childhood development. Xi brings her creativity and talents to our Family and Children’s Program where she can be found leading activities such as art, music, and circle time.


Outside of work, Xi loves spending time with her husband and two sons. She also enjoys travelling internationally, and outdoor activities such as hiking and camping





Jordan Pearmain

Youth Program Coordinator

Cell: 604-417-5474 

Office: 604-988-7115 ext. 2005

Jordan enjoys working with and connecting with at-risk and vulnerable youth, by being able to provide them a safe, supportive environment to get to know themselves and the community around them.


She worked for CCSS as a Youth Outreach Worker prior to becoming the Program Coordinator. With a background in Social Work, prior to joining CCSS, Jordan worked for the North Vancouver School District building connections in the local high schools as a Youth Engagement Worker. She is also knowledgeable in the areas of mental health and substance use/harm reduction, having gained this experience with Vancouver Coastal Health. Jordan is enthusiastic about being able to support North Shore youth on the roller coaster ride that is growing up, and all the things that entails!


Jordan loves to be active and is a huge advocate for mindfulness practices such as yoga and meditation. She loves to try new activities such as pottery, but also loves a good book, home cooked meals and taking it easy!



Lexy Atterton

Youth Outreach Worker

Cell: 604-418-3525

Office: 604-988-7115 ext. 2006

Lexy is passionate about supporting and connecting with youth. Her education includes a bachelor’s degree in psychology with a concentration in Applied Psychology. While in university Lexy began volunteering with CCSS in their Family and Children’s Program and later went on to join them full time for a summer job, before joining the youth team. She has experience working with youth of all ages and is skilled in building connections with others. Lexy is dedicated to helping create a positive, uplifting, and inclusive environment at Capilano Community Services assisting youth to recognize and reach their full potential.


Outside of work Lexy loves playing her guitar, attending music performances, and going for hikes. She also enjoys travelling and visiting her family abroad in Australia.

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Ally Andreassen

Youth Outreach Worker

Cell: 604-418-3354

Office: 604-988-7115 ext. 2006

Ally is really excited to be working and connecting with youth in the community. She has experience working with youth of all ages, and is looking forward to providing a warm and supportive environment.


Ally's educational background includes a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology. She has experience working in group dynamics, in well as one-on-one environments, with kids on the autism spectrum, and with youth of all age ranges. Ally is enthusiastic and passionate about creating a positive impact in the lives of the youth of North Vancouver, and assisting them to follow and achieve their goals. She is devoted to helping foster positive and meaningful community involvement, while providing support in the journey of personal growth. 


Outside of work, Ally loves going on long walks/spending time outside, as well as listening to music, trying new foods and experiences, and reading insightful books! She is passionate about mindfulness practices, and values meditation, journaling, and self-care. 


Bryn Spiller-Tisserand

Youth Outreach Worker

Cell: 604-417-7095

Office: 604-988-7115 ext. 2006

Bryn is looking forward to engaging with the youth of North Vancouver and hopefully making a positive impact. They have a bachelor's degree in psychology and have worked with many youths of all ages through varies work experiences. Specifically, they have experience with at-risk, and vulnerable youth and children with elevated ADHD symptoms.  They are excited about getting to know the North Shore youth and helping them flourish in their community. 


In their spare time they enjoy reading, playing video games, and physical activities like running and kung fu.  They also have 2 adorable cats that like to get in the way of all of that. 




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