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Seniors' Newsletters




Spokes newsletter – the voice of the Seniors’ Hub!


Learn, laugh and liven-up your social calendar with our Spokes newsletter - featuring inspiring stories from and about seniors, information on our programs, events and services, community updates, trends, beneficial products/services designed for seniors, special interest features, easy and delicious recipes, photos of our gatherings and much more!


The Spokes newsletter is published three times per year, printing 800 issues each Spring, Fall and Winter. You can pick up a copy at libraries across the North Shore, Silver Harbour Seniors’ Activity Centre, North Shore Community Resources, Woodcroft Residential Complex, Brazza Café and many other community health and social service agencies and local businesses. Or just click below to read our latest newsletter and past issues.


Our newsletter consists of input from seniors, recipes, photos of our gatherings; fun stuff and jokes. We also provide information on the latest trends, upcoming programs, and beneficial services for our seniors in the community. We produce three issues a year, printing 800 issues each Spring, Fall and Winter.


If you would like to be on our mailing list, or have story ideas, recipes, photos, or any other suggestions for an upcoming edition of the Spokes newsletter, please email your content ideas to


Past issues 

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